jueves, 26 de junio de 2014

Brazil 2014. What has made us the group stage?.

"The Cup of all" up to the end of the group stage to begin a new stage in which he can not lose a game because doing so means going home.

But before you start giving the knockout clashes with individual South American CONMEBOL ensure to brew two teams to the quarterfinals the very first day of the elimination round, it is prudent that we detail some things that have occurred in the group stage of this world and we consider salient.

In group A, we have seen a host of suffering Brazil to win the group, which has not won nor loosely undefeated. He has won helped by the referees on the opening day against Croats Modric to sing a nonexistent penalty for Fred, has been disappointing to Mexico, and just the kind calendar that has played them has allowed them to last date touch Cameroon, which have been beat by a landslide, when the team was already eliminated its star Samuel Etoo was unavailable through injury and morals of the same was on the floor, because they were the first team to be disqualified. We can say that in their own World Cup, Brazil has failed, although we must highlight the great work done by Neymar, who is the event scorer with 4 goals so far.

For his part, the Mexican team has indeed fulfilled the expectations beyond what many expected. Miguel Herrera's team came out determined to find their place in Round, although they reached the glass to achieve pure road playoff hump, which has made them temporarily lose the nickname "The Giant Concacaf" sash has temporarily passed to the Team USA. Had it not been for 4 refereeing errors, 2 in Game overriding goals that should not be canceled, and two hands "who have not seen the referees" in the match against Croatia, Mexico would have won the group ahead of Brazil and have faced Chile, which would give greater assurance of achieving the desired reach 5to. Party that Mexico has never been able to achieve in a World Cup, not even in 2002 when faced its U.S. neighbor and supposed that the Aztecs were favorites.

Mexico has complied, completed its DT Miguel Herrera and Holland although lost in the round, should be proud of the work done. Mexican football has grown significantly, it has evolved and will continue to progress. I found it impressive work done by Tri, especially the great game that has made "The Memo" Ochoa against Brazil, which has catapulted him as one of the best goalkeepers in this World.

As for Croatia, they played well. They did an acceptable paper. Remember that the selection was surprised the world in 1998 and finished third in the World Cup in France, being a rookie team in World Cups. Given its ranks Rakitc, who comes to Barcelona for next season, Mandzukic, Olic and Modric perhaps expected more of them but remember they were in a difficult group, where the host and the Mexican team was experienced, selections who between them have 35 World Cup appearances against only 4 of the Balkan. Maybe they should avoid discussing both the press conference and talk on the court, but they are things that led by Niko Kovan learn to handle later. Regarding Kovac could say that so far could be considered the DT has more elegant dress in the World.

Cameroon have already said that his star Samuel Etoo was no injury to their level, except that only got to play one game. The team was not focused on the game and after being saved by the arbitration win against Mexico in a match where bored and showed a very low technical level, were killed by Coacia 4-0 with two goals from star of the Bundesliga Robert Mandzukic, being eliminated, falling 4-1 to close the host Brazil. Returning home empty-handed, without points, with one goal and plenty of things to check those run by the German Finke.

In Group B, the Netherlands has shown an unexpected superiority, Chile has complied, disappointed and Spain Socceeros of Australia have come to the event to walk, as expected. Nobody expected to classify Round Australia. If I did it would be a surprise, but what is really nobody expected that Spain was eliminated in the first phase. That was not able to predict anyone, even the most outstanding experts.

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